Blog Search Engineathon

Scoble inspired me to take a closer look at the results generated by the Feedsters, Technorati, Google and IceRockets of the world. Since I’m at BEAWorld 2005 this week and I just blogged about it, I figure I’ll see if I can find any other bloggers talking about the conference. Here are the results as of the time of this post:

I guess Blog searching is still not even close to an exact science. With XMLRPC pinging services like Ping-o-matic, why does these aggregators have different results?

BEAWorld, Feedster, Google, Technorati, Scoble, IceRocket

3 thoughts on “Blog Search Engineathon

  1. I wouldn’t rely on the number of results returned by Feedster. For example, check the same query now returns 311 results. I assume that means that 200 entries were deleted over the last week. If you click Next Next Next, you’ll find there’s not even 300.


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