Interesting browser stats

This is pretty interesting (to me anyways), but out of the 10 people 🙂 that actually read my blog via a browser, 47% of them are using Firefox. These stats do not include things like Bloglines, Newsgator or many of the other web-based or fat-client RSS readers.

Browser Usage

It is also interesting to note that MAC users outnumber the Linux users by a factor of 2.


I’m trying to find blog usage stats from 2000 – 2003 to see where these browsers and platforms were at that point but I’m sure IE and windows reined supreme at that point.

PS: I am using Mint to capture blog usage and stats and the images are generated via screen-captures. I had used Refer for the past few years in addition of Webalizer.

blogs, usage, stats, firefox, mint, refer, webalizer

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