Links for December 13th through December 18th

Links for December 4th through December 9th

Links for July 25th through July 29th

  • When Patents Attack! | This American Life – We take you inside this war, and tell the fascinating story of how an idea enshrined in the US constitution to promote progress and innovation, is now being used to do the opposite
  • InfoQ: Kanban System Design – Karl Scotland on Kanban as a way of creating a model improving a business’ capability to meet its purpose based on systems thinking, workflow, visualization, work in process, cadence, and learning.
  • InfoQ: NoSQL @ Netflix – Siddharth “Sid” Anand explains the technical details behind the move from Oracle used inside their data center to SimpleDB and S3 in the cloud, and from there to Cassandra.
  • InfoQ: Craft and Software Engineering – Glenn Vanderburg believes that software engineering and craftsmanship are not mutually exclusive, and there is synergy between them, explaining how to combine them in the software development process.
  • InfoQ: The Diary of a REST “Convert” – The conversation about SOA is a conversation about architecture – everything that we’ve talked about over the past decade applies just as equally when the Services are implemented using REST or Web Services on top of any protocol, infrastructure, or data schema.
  • GWT Mobile is a cross-platform mobile development tool using Google Web Toolkit – GWT Mobile is a cross-platform mobile development tool using Google Web Toolkit technology. It provides a set of UI widgets optimized for mobile devices, a ORM module to persist objects to the browser database, and a wrapper to access PhoneGap functions from GWT
  • GWT Mobile PhoneGap Showcase for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store – GWT Mobile PhoneGap is a GWT wrapper of the PhoneGap Javascript library. It implements all the PhoneGap functions, and provides links to the PhoneGap API documentation. It is an indispensable app for PhoneGap programmers.
  • TeleHash / JSON + UDP + DHT = Freedom – A new wire protocol enabling applications to connect directly in a real-time and fully distributed manner, freeing them from relying on centralized datacenters
  • nowjs for Node – Directly call remote functions in Javascript – NowJS creates a magic namespace "now", accessible by server and client where functions and variables added to now are automatically synced, in real-time. Also allows you to call client functions from the server and server functions from client
  • NoSQL is What? | Jeremy Zawodny’s blog – I found myself reading NoSQL is a Premature Optimization a few minutes ago and threw up in my mouth a little. That article is so far off base that I’m not even sure where to start, so I guess I’ll go in order.

Daily for August 4th through August 13th

  • Aaron Johnson – Java Class.forName(String className) and JDBC – The most common answer you’ll hear is that it loads the database driver, which, while technically true, is shallow. Where does it get loaded? How does it happen? And why?
  • – What exactly is Jazzy? Well, for developers, it is a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow you to add spell checking functionality to Java Applications easily.
  • Code Simplicity » The Secret of Success: Suck Less – All you have to do to succeed in software is to consistently suck less with every release.
  • Ext JS 3.0 – Be Outstanding – On behalf of the Ext Team, I am pleased to announce the final release of Ext JS 3.0. This release is the culmination of tens of thousands of hours of architecture, development and community feedback.
  • Hank Paulson, AIG, and ethics – THE WEEK – The New York Times just “dumped a gigantic bucket of kerosene on the Goldman Sachs conspiracy fire,” said Joe Weisenthal in Clusterstock. The Times obtained records showing that then–Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was in steady contact with Goldman, his former firm, as the government was planning the AIG bailout last September
  • /devel/talk: Choosing a web development framework/toolkit – So some of the questions I battle with are, which framework should I use for this new project, or am I using the right framework for my current project? Is the framework and language it's written in supports writing applications in a powerful, flexible, fast, scalable way?
  • InfoQ: Google Chose Jetty for App Engine – Google App Engine was initially using Apache Tomcat as their webserver/servlet container but eventually switched to Jetty. This decision sparked many in the development community to ask why the change, was their something wrong with Tomcat?
  • Shape of planet blogging – Paul Krugman Blog – – In a way this goes beyond my original point, which was the unwillingness of the news media to referee a controversy by actually reporting the facts. Now it seems that a fact isn’t worth reporting unless someone is prepared to deny it.
  • SugarCRM Releases Sugar Community Edition on the Microsoft Web Platform – SugarCRM, a world leading provider of commercial open source customer relationship management (CRM) software, announced today the availability of Sugar Community Edition on the Microsoft Web Platform
  • Schumer: SEC to ban flash trading – MarketWatch – Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday that the Securities and Exchange Commission plans to ban so-called "flash trading," where high-frequency traders can get information just before it becomes public.

Daily for December 27th through December 30th

  • La terraza de Aravaca: Lessons learned using GWT, Axis and JPA simultaneously – Here you have some lessons learned that should be taken into account when working with the Google Web Toolkit, Axis and any of the JPA implementations out there
  • PDF embed code generator – This code generator can generate two kinds of PDF embedding code: pure standards-compliant HTML markup, or JavaScript-based PDFObject code. The generator also makes it easy to customize your embed code using Adobe's optional PDF Open parameters.
  • JSP – Create Custom Tags for Beginners | Techie Zone – JSP Tags acts as a plugin to your JSP pages. These are basically Java Classes that get executed when jsp page get rendered by server and browser. JSP comes with in build Tags like jsp:include, jsp:forward, but they are not sufficient to cater to the Web World. To overcome this problem you can design tags based on your business requirement. This article will guide you how we can create an custom tags for JSP.
  • Design Pattern Interview Questions Part (3) – C#, ASP.Net, VB.Net – To give you a practical understanding i have put all these design patterns in a video format and uploaded on . You can visit and download the complete architecture interview questions PDF which covers SOA , UML , Design patterns , Togaf , OOPs etc.
  • Memoization in Java Using Dynamic Proxy Classes | O’Reilly Media – Memoizing a function adds a transparent caching wrapper to the function, so that function values that have already been calculated are returned from a cache rather than being recomputed each time. Memoization can provide significant performance gains for computing-intensive calls. It is also a reusable solution to adding caching to arbitrary routines.
  • YUI Theater — Douglas Crockford: "Ajax Performance" » Yahoo! User Interface Blog – Douglas Crockford returns to YUI Theater with another chapter in his evolving lecture series. This session, “Ajax Performance,” debunks common misconceptions about the relationship between JavaScript and performance and gives engineers a core focus for improving the performance of web apps
  • giver – Google Code – Giver is a simple file sharing desktop application. Other people running Giver on your network are automatically discovered and you can send files to them by simply dragging the files to their photo or icon shown in Giver. There is no knowledge or set up needed beyond what the person looks like or their name to use Giver.
  • Google, WalMart, and The Power of the Real Time Enterprise – O’Reilly Radar – What do Google, WalMart, and have in common, besides their extraordinary success? They are organizations that are infused with IT in such a way that it leads to a qualitative change in their entire business
  • Fast and ‘free’ beats steady and paid on MySQL • The Register – It appears that since being acquired by Sun Microsystems, MySQL's process has been slowed by a 30,000-person bureaucracy, and the open source community has the patience of a six year old.
  • InfoQ: Architecting for Green Computing – In an article entitled “Green Maturity Model for Virtualization”, Kevin Francis and Peter Richardson explain how to use virtualization to reduce energy consumption. They see 4 types of computing: Local, Logical, Data Center and Cloud Computing, the last offering the most advanced form of virtualization and therefore representing the greenest computing

Daily for June 1st through June 4th